Sunday, January 6, 2013

Faithful, Fit & Fabulous Challenge

How are those resolutions going? That's what I thought. The problem with resolutions is that they are usually impossibly huge and intimidating and many times aren't things we want to do, but things we "should" do; stop smoking, lose weight, exercise more. If you really wanted to do those things, you would already be doing them. In order to move forward, your goals need to come from within and you need to be motivated. Without a clear reason, you won't stay on track for long. I had a long blog post written, but then I found out about the Faithful, Fit, and Fabulous Challenge. Check it out.

Faithful, Fit & Fabulous
Filled with humor and “I can relate” life experiences, Faithful, Fit, and Fabulous is the ideal 8-week life boost that will refresh any woman's life. Create a personal and effective life plan, and learn how to readily apply it in your busy daily life. Establish holy habits, feel fit and fabulous, and get organized. Just one goal a week for eight weeks—it's simple and fun.